When we think of new growth, we usually think of spring. Dormant plants turn green again, there is plenty of rain, and we are used to filling our flower beds with annual color. If you are planting something other than vegetables and flowers, however, you might be surprised to learn that fall is actually the best time to plant trees and other perennials. Don’t believe us? Here are a few reasons why.
It’s how Mother Nature plants seeds. Think about the lifecycle of most plants. They sprout, grow, produce flowers or fruit, then release seeds just before dying or going dormant. These naturally-sown seeds might germinate during the fall and spend the winter developing a strong root system, or they might need cold winter nights to cause germination. If spreading seeds in the fall is how nature has survived for thousands of years, it just might work for us too!
The soil is warm. Even though fall nights might be a little chilly, the soil in which you are planting will stay warm for many weeks. Planting during the fall allows roots ample time to dig deep and establish themselves without having to worry about producing leaves and flowers. Even after the first frost, your new plant’s roots will be able to grow for a while since it takes time for the cold to slowly seep into the soil.
Fall has fewer weeds and pests.
Weeds and pests are the biggest deterrents to healthy plant growth, especially for young plants. When temperatures begin to drop, however, most weeds are finishing their life cycles and most pests have already settled into their winter burrows deep underground. This means that your new plants can grow without competition and without having to defend themselves from the bugs that like to snack on them.
It rains more often in the fall.
We all know that water is essential for plant growth, especially after sprouting or being transplanted. Fall brings the highest chance of rain, making it easier for you to keep your new plants well watered. Rain water is also better for your plants than well or city water - it has no extra minerals or purifiers that, while good for humans, don’t do your plants any favors.
It is the perfect time to be outside.
This has nothing to do with the plants, but any gardener will tell you that fall is the perfect time to spend time working in the garden. The air is crisp and clean and the sun is bright but not too hot. While your plants might not reap any benefits from your wellbeing, spending time outdoors in the fall can relieve stress and make you feel better in general!
For these reasons and many more, don’t be afraid to plant perennials in the fall. It makes your plants easier to care for, gives them a head start on root growth, and can even boost your health and happiness in the process!
Richmond, BC, Canada